Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Google Testing New Search Impact Feature in Webmaster Tool


Google has introduced a new Search Impact feature in webmaster tools. Currently this feature is released in Alpha version, available only to a certain set of webmasters for testing. I have access to this feature. In this post i will talk about these new features and share screenshots.
The Search Impact option is currently located under Search Queries in webmaster tool navigation.
Search Impact
You can analyze the data with the help of Dimensions and Metrics.
  • Metric– a quantitative measurement of a site’s performance on search
Example: Clicks, Impression , CTR and Average Position
  • Dimension– Data which is recorded for each impression so we can segment the metrics along a particular axis.
Example: Data , Query, Page, Country, Device, Search
Dimensions and Metrics

Report by Date:

You can select date range to view the data, at the same time you can compare data between different date ranges. You can see data comparison graphs side by side. This will make it easy to compare and analyze the data.
Report By Date

Compare data between countries:

You can compare data between different countries. This is very useful when you want to target your audience to certain countries, you can find that where you are performing better. Where there are more chances of traffic growth. You can also analyze if your impressions and clicks are coming from your target country.

Report by Devices:

You can also see different metrics across different devices. In addition to that you can compare the data across devices.
Apart from above discussed options you can also view data by Queries dimensions, by Pages, and again you can compare data in any dimension against the selected metric(s)


According to information revealed by Google, this Alpha version has some of the following known limitations:
  • No ability to use filters by dimensions “Queries” or “Pages” as a result there is no capability to see top-URLs for query or top-queries for a URL
  • The URL of the Search Impact report doesn’t currently hold the state so you can’t reload / send / share deep links.
  • No download button
  • No favorites selection
  • No breakdown by position
  • No capability to filter queries with >10 clicks / impressions
  • No breakdown by dimension “Search”
  • No more than two metrics can be selected out of the four (Clicks, Impressions,CTR, Average Position). If two metrics are selected, user needs to deselect one of them before he can select another.
Google will further improve this feature based on the feedback that will be provided by the set of webmasters, whom Google has allowed to test this feature.


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