Sunday, February 21, 2016

SEO service in kathmandu: openeyesit

Part I: Understanding SEO

Chapter 1: Search Engine Basics
·                  What Is a Search Engine?
·                  Anatomy of a Search Engine.
·                  Query interface
·                  Crawlers, spiders, and robots
·                  Databases
·                  Search algorithms
·                  Retrieval and ranking
·                  Characteristics of Search
·                  Classifications of Search Engines
·                  Primary search engines
·                  Secondary search engines
·                  Targeted search engines
·                  Putting Search Engines to Work for You
·                  Manipulating Search Engines

Chapter 2:
·                  Creating an SEO Plan
·                  Understanding Why You Need SEO
·                  Setting SEO Goals
·                  Creating Your SEO Plan
·                  Prioritizing pages
·                  Site assessment
·                  Finishing the plan
·                  Follow-up.
·                  Understanding Organic SEO
·                  Achieving Organic SEO
·                  Web-site content
·                  Google Analytics
·                  Internal and external links
·                  User experience
·                  Site interactivity
Part II: SEO Strategy
·                  Building Your Site for SEO .
·                  Before You Build Your Site
·                  Know your target
·                  Page elements
·                  Understanding Web-Site Optimization
·                  Does hosting matter?
·                  Domain-naming tips
·                  Understanding usability
·                  Components of an SEO-Friendly Page
·                  Understanding entry and exit pages
·                  Using powerful titles
·                  Creating great content
·                  Maximizing graphics
·                  Problem Pages and Work-Arounds
·                  Painful portals
·                  Fussy frames
·                  Cranky cookies
·                  Programming Languages and SEO
·                  JavaScript
·                  Flash
·                  Dynamic ASP
·                  PHP .
·                  Other Design Concerns
·                  Domain cloaking
·                  Duplicate content
·                  Hidden pages
·                  After Your Site Is Built
·                  Beware of content thieves
·                  Dealing with updates and site changes
Chapter 4: Keywords and Your Web Site .
·                  The Importance of Keywords
·                  Understanding Heuristics
·                  Using Anchor Text
·                  Picking the Right Keywords
·                  What’s the Right Keyword Density?
·                  Taking Advantage of Organic Keywords
·                  Avoid Keyword Stuffing
·                  More About Keyword Optimization
Chapter 5: Pay-per-Click and SEO
·                  How Pay-per-Click Works .
·                  Determining visitor value
·                  Putting pay-per-click to work
·                  Pay-per-Click Categories
·                  Keyword pay-per-click programs
·                  Product pay-per-click programs
·                  Service pay-per-click programs
·                  Understanding How PPC Affects SEO
·                  Keyword Competitive Research
·                  Keyword suggestion tools
·                  Choosing Effective Keywords
·                  Creating your first keyword list
·                  Forbidden search terms and poison words
·                  Forecasting search volumes
·                  Finalizing your keyword list
·                  Writing Ad Descriptions
·                  Monitoring and Analyzing Results
Chapter 6: Maximizing Pay-per-Click Strategies .
·                  Understanding Keyword Placement
·                  Alt and Other Tags and Attributes
·                  Title tags
·                  Meta description tags
·                  Anchor text
·                  Header tag content
·                  Body text
·                  Alt tags
·                  URLS and File Names
Chapter 7: Increasing Keyword Success . . .
·                  Writing Keyword Advertisement Text
·                  Create Great Landing Pages .
·                  Understanding and Using A/B Testing
·                  Avoiding Keyword Stuffing
Chapter 8: Understanding and Using Behavioral Targeting . .
·                  What Is Behavioral Targeting?
·                  Taking Advantage of Behavioral Targeting
·                  Additional Behavioral Targeting Tips
Chapter 9:Managing Keyword and PPC Campaigns . . .
·                  Keyword Budgeting
·                  Understanding Bid Management
·                  Manual bid management
·                  Automated bid management
·                  Tracking Keywords and Conversions
·                  Reducing Pay-per-Click Costs
·                  Managing PPC campaigns
·                  Negative keywords .
·                  Improving Click-Through Rates
·                  The ROI of PPC
Chapter 10: Keyword Tools and Services . .
·                  Google AdWords
·                  Campaign management
·                  Reports
·                  Analytics
·                  My Account
·                  Print ads
·                  Yahoo! Search Marketing
·                  Dashboard
·                  Campaigns
·                  Reports
·                  Administration
·                  Microsoft adCenter
·                  Campaign
·                  Accounts & Billing
·                  Research
·                  Reports
Chapter 11: Tagging Your Web Site . .
·                  What’s So Important About Site Tagging?
·                  How Does Site Tagging Work?
·                  Additional HTML Tags
·                  No-follow
·                  Strong and emphasis
·                  No-frames
·                  Table summary tag
·                  Acronym and abbreviation tags
·                  Virtual includes
·                  Using Redirect Pages
Chapter 12: The Content Piece of the Puzzle
·                  How Does Web-Site Content Affect SEO?
·                  Elements of Competitive Content
·                  To Use or Not? Duplicate Content
·                  Stay Away from Search Engine Spam
·                  Doorway pages
·                  Hidden and tiny text
·                  SEO over submission
·                  Page jacking
·                  Bait and switch
·                  Cloaking
·                  Hidden links
·                  Considerations for Multi-Lingual Sites
·                  Content Management Systems
·                  When should you use CMS?
·                  Choosing the right CMS
·                  How CMS affects SEO
·                  Understand and Use Viral Content
Chapter 13: Understanding the Role of Links and Linking . . .
·                  How Links Affect SEO
·                  How Links and Linking Work
·                  Snagging inbound links
·                  Creating outbound links
·                  Taking advantage of cross-linking
·                  The skinny on link farms
·                  The Basics of Link Building
·                  Using Internal Links
·                  Judging the Effectiveness of Your Links
·                  Part III: Optimizing Search Strategies
Chapter 14: Adding Your Site to Directories . . .
·                  What Are Directories?
·                  Submitting to directories
·                  Major online directories
·                  Paid vs. free directories
·                  Geo-Targeting SEO Strategies
·                  Using Submission Tools
Chapter 15: Pay-for-Inclusion Services .
·                  When to Use Pay-for-Inclusion Services
·                  Understanding the Business Model
·                  Managing Paid Services
·                  Hiring the Right Professionals
·                  Contract Considerations
·                  When the Relationship Isn’t Working
Chapter 16: Robots, Spiders, and Crawlers. . .
·                  What Are Robots, Spiders, and Crawlers?
·                  What’s the Robot Exclusion Standard?
·                  Robots Meta Tag
·                  Inclusion with XML Site Mapping
·                  Creating your own XML site map
·                  Submitting your site map
Chapter 17: The Truth About SEO Spam
·                  What Constitutes SEO Spam?
·                  Why Is SEO Spam a Bad Idea?
·                  Avoiding SEO Spam
Chapter 18: Adding Social-Media Optimization . . .
·                  What Is Social-Media Optimization?
·                  What’s different about social-media optimization?
·                  The Value of Social Media
·                  Social-Media Strategies
·                  Measuring Social-Media Optimization
Chapter 19: Automated Optimization
·                  Should You Automate?
·                  Automation Tools


Part IV: Maintaining SEO 
Chapter 20: SEO Beyond The Launch
·                  It’s Not Over
·                  Using Content Management Systems
·                  SEO Problems and Solutions
·                  You’ve been banned!
·                  Content scraping
·                  Click fraud
Chapter 21:Analyzing Success
·                  Analyzing SEO Successes
·                  Managing SEO expectations
·                  Find yourself
·                  Analyzing web stats
·                  Competitive Analysis
·                  Conversion Analysis
·                  Analyzing Server Logs
1.            Optimization for Major Search Engines . . .
2.            Optimization for Google
3.            Understanding Google Page Rank
4.            Calculate the value of each page
5.            Algorithm of Page Rank
6.            Optimization for MSN
7.            Optimization for Yahoo!
8.            The Yahoo! Search Crawler
SEO Software, Tools, and Resources
·                  Major Search Engines and Directories
·                  Secondary Search Engines
·                  Meta Search Engines
·                  Keyword Tools
·                  Content Resources
·                  RSS Feeds and Applications
·                  RSS Feeds optimization
·                  XML Feed Creation
·                  XML Feeds optimization
·                  Search Engine Marketing Resources and Articles
·                  Registration Services and Programs
·                  Link Resources and Software
·                  Pay-per-Click..
·                  Social-Media Tools
·                  SEO Plan ..
·                  SEO Checklist .
·                  Current State
·                  Keyword Research
·                  Web-Site Design
·                  Write Clean Code
·                  Make Use of Tags and Attributes
·                  SEO-Approved Content
·                  Manual Submissions
·                  Linking Strategies
·                  Conversions
·                  Keyword Worksheet
·                  PPC Keyword Worksheet
·                  Keyword Checklist
·                  Keyword Performances Worksheet
·                  A/B Testing Worksheet
·                  PPC Competition Worksheet
·                  Link-Tracking Worksheet

·                  Rank-Tracking Worksheet

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